January 19, 2011

Question #3 - Answer

There is one grammatical mistake in the following sentence. Can you find it?

Hi, Jill. It's me, Ann. I have a question. I was reading this TOEFL blog and this guy says that screaming is a really good way to relax, especially if I am nervous when speaking. What do you think? Really? You scream all the time? No way.

The mistake in this sentence is It's me. It is is never followed by an object. Because me is an object pronoun, it comes after a preposition...

She wants to talk to me? Really?

or a transitive verb...

No, way. You always tease me.

or a transitive phrasal verb...

I called Angelina Jolie, just like you said, but she hung up on me. I thought you said she liked me.

But, you say, I say, "Hi, it's me" all the time, especially on the phone. That's right. And that's okay. This question is a grammar question not a usage question. There is a big difference. Usage is how words are used every day outside the rules of grammar.

So what is the correct answer: Hi Jill. It's I, Ann.

The Pro